Mysore Char/ The Orphans

I soon became crazed by being done with what I had to do at 6AM and jumped at the opportunity to work at an orphanage. The first one I joined on the last day of the volunteer program but got to enjoy drawing and a celebratory cake in honor of those who had volunteered for a month or two . You can connect with this orphanage through facebook:
The woman who brought me told me about another Orphange that may be interested in Volunteers and thus my time in Mysore became two, not one month.

Odanadi is part Orphanage part Shelter. I was immediately accepted and asked to help with a horticulture garden that a volunteer from Australia named Kate had begun. What Kate did in her time there was amazing and Odanadi will have fresh vegetables after the rainy season.

If you volunteer at Odanadi you are offered lunch and chai  everyday. On Friday meetings and anyones birthday you are given sweets. I almost cried every time.

Odanadi can always use volunteers. You can teach yoga, work in the garden, teach martial arts, give accupunture treatment, they are very open to experimental programs especially arts related and therapeutic.